Trending might be a buzzword you’re already sick of but that doesn’t make it any less important. If you can’t spot market trends and the direction your industry is moving, then you might soon be heading the same way as others who lacked foresight - just ask Blockbuster, MySpace and Kodak.
What Trends Have Been Driving Experiential Marketing?
Topics: Experiential Marketing
It’s crazy to us that some business owners are still a little dismissive of experiential marketing. Take this stat for example - 70% of people who engage with a brand via an experiential marketing campaign become regular customers.
Topics: Experiential Marketing
5 Dazzling Experiential Marketing Ideas for Luxury Brands
Luxury brands used to rely upon experiences at the boutique level. But not anymore, they're fighting to highlight their heritage and quality as consumers flock to the convenience of online shopping.
Topics: Experiential Marketing
How Has Technology Changed Experiential Marketing?
Flexing on Instagram, personalising products and doing your bit for charitable causes. Loads of trends have driven experiential marketing thanks to technology. With budgets for this technique higher than ever and brands trying to outdo each other with more memorable campaigns, the need for experiential marketing technology is crucial.
Topics: Experiential Marketing, Trends
We’ll be honest, it depends. There’s no right or wrong answer as it’s completely bespoke to your project. The quarterly Bellwether Report from the IPA reports that the investment from brands in experiential marketing increased in 2019, up by 3.4% from 2018.
Topics: Experiential Marketing
6 Real-Life Experiential Marketing Examples to Inspire You
Consumers are just not that into traditional marketing anymore. Instead, they’re falling head over heels for experiential marketing that connects them with brands in creative ways. But although brands of all sectors and sizes are eager to get involved, many are still looking for inspiration in everyday life.
Topics: Experiential Marketing
What Are the Advantages of Experiential Marketing?
It’s easy to see why experiential marketing has exploded in popularity in recent years. A staggering 91% of consumers said they had more positive feelings about a brand after attending a live event or experience. With feedback like that, it’s no surprise that marketers are frantically trying to throw something together.
Topics: Experiential Marketing
What Are the Different Types of Experiential Marketing?
If you want your customers to retain a real-world connection with your brand, then you might want to think about giving them an experience they’ll remember forever. We’re talking big. Think more along the lines of letting consumers step into a real-life coffee shop from a Netflix reboot and less of those frustrating cold calls that people now find a bit intrusive.
Topics: Experiential Marketing
Why You Should Welcome and Embrace Experiential Marketing
Experiential marketing, when done well, can be highly effective. It can deliver your business insight, expand customer lists and reinforce your brand values. With brands struggling to remain relevant and meaningful, it’s easy to see why they’ve transitioned from the yawn-inducing traditional to awe-inspiring experiential methods.
Topics: Experiential Marketing
What is Experiential Marketing? Everything You Need to Know
Product showcases, pop-up stores and content generating events. Experiential marketing campaigns aren’t just a blink in the marketing world - they’re memorable. You already know the basics and you’re ready to hear the benefits.
Topics: Experiential Marketing